出自VFP Wiki
在2007年3月15日 (四) 08:26的最新修訂版本
*-- Code begins here CLEAR DLLS PRIVATE iRetVal, iLastError PRIVATE sFontDir, sSourceDir, sFontFileName, sFOTFile PRIVATE sWinDir, iBufLen iRetVal = 0 ***** Code to customize with actual file names and locations. *-- .TTF file path. sSourceDir = "C:\TEMP\" *-- .TTF file name. sFontFileName = "TestFont.TTF" *-- Font description (as it will appear in Control Panel). sFontName = "My Test Font" + " (TrueType)" ******************** End of code to customize ***** DECLARE INTEGER CreateScalableFontResource IN win32api ; LONG fdwHidden, ; STRING lpszFontRes, ; STRING lpszFontFile, ; STRING lpszCurrentPath DECLARE INTEGER AddFontResource IN win32api ; STRING lpszFilename DECLARE INTEGER RemoveFontResource IN win32api ; STRING lpszFilename DECLARE LONG GetLastError IN win32api DECLARE INTEGER GetWindowsDirectory IN win32api STRING @lpszSysDir,; INTEGER iBufLen #DEFINE WM_FONTCHANGE 29 && 0x001D #DEFINE HWND_BROADCAST 65535 && 0xffff DECLARE LONG SendMessage IN win32api ; LONG hWnd, INTEGER Msg, LONG wParam, INTEGER lParam #DEFINE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 2147483650 && (HKEY) 0x80000002 #DEFINE SECURITY_ACCESS_MASK 983103 && SAM value KEY_ALL_ACCESS DECLARE RegCreateKeyEx IN ADVAPI32.DLL ; INTEGER, STRING, INTEGER, STRING, INTEGER, INTEGER, ; INTEGER, INTEGER @, INTEGER @ DECLARE RegSetValueEx IN ADVAPI32.DLL; INTEGER, STRING, INTEGER, INTEGER, STRING, INTEGER DECLARE RegCloseKey IN ADVAPI32.DLL INTEGER *-- Fonts folder path. *-- Use the GetWindowsDirectory API function to determine *-- where the Fonts directory is located. sWinDir = SPACE(50) && Allocate the buffer to hold the directory name. iBufLen = 50 && Pass the size of the buffer. iRetVal = GetWindowsDirectory(@sWinDir, iBufLen) *-- iRetVal holds the length of the returned string. *-- Since the string is null-terminated, we need to *-- snip the null off. sWinDir = SUBSTR(sWinDir, 1, iRetVal) sFontDir = sWinDir + "\FONTS\" *-- Get .FOT file name. sFOTFile = sFontDir + LEFT(sFontFileName, ; LEN(sFontFileName) - 4) + ".FOT" *-- Copy to Fonts folder. COPY FILE (sSourceDir + sFontFileName) TO ; (sFontDir + sFontFileName) *-- Create the font. iRetVal = ; CreateScalableFontResource(0, sFOTFile, sFontFileName, sFontDir) IF iRetVal = 0 THEN iLastError = GetLastError () IF iLastError = 80 MESSAGEBOX("Font file " + sFontDir + sFontFileName + ; "already exists.") ELSE MESSAGEBOX("Error " + STR (iLastError)) ENDIF RETURN ENDIF *-- Add the font to the system font table. iRetVal = AddFontResource (sFOTFile) IF iRetVal = 0 THEN iLastError = GetLastError () IF iLastError = 87 THEN MESSAGEBOX("Incorrect Parameter") ELSE MESSAGEBOX("Error " + STR (iLastError)) ENDIF RETURN ENDIF *-- Make the font persistent across reboots. STORE 0 TO iResult, iDisplay iRetVal = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ; "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts", 0, "REG_SZ", ; 0, SECURITY_ACCESS_MASK, 0, @iResult, ; @iDisplay) && Returns .T. if successful *-- Uncomment the following lines to display information *!* *-- about the results of the function call. *!* WAIT WINDOW STR(iResult) && Returns the key handle *!* WAIT WINDOW STR(iDisplay) && Returns one of 2 values: *!* && REG_CREATE_NEW_KEY = 1 *!* && REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY = 2 iRetVal = RegSetValueEx(iResult, sFontName, 0, 1, sFontFileName, 13) *-- Close the key. Don't keep it open longer than necessary. iRetVal = RegCloseKey(iResult) *-- Notify all the other application a new font has been added. iRetVal = SendMessage (HWND_BROADCAST, WM_FONTCHANGE, 0, 0) IF iRetVal = 0 THEN iLastError = GetLastError () MESSAGEBOX("Error " + STR (iLastError)) RETURN ENDIF ERASE (sFOTFile) *-- Code ends here